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About Us

Meet the dream team! Sleek is the SMEs’ all-in-one digital platform, helping you to register your company, and manage your governance, accounting and tax compliance online. Incorporate a company 100% remotely, file requests to your company secretary 24/7, start a business account and sign documents digitally with our eSignature tool SleekSign - all on our secure platform. Sleek works with startups and SMEs wanting to streamline their ACRA and IRAS compliance and get rid of the hassle of company admin. We started these services in Singapore in 2017, and expanded into Hong Kong in 2019, because we were frustrated at how slow and paper-based the incorporation and company registration process was. We want you to supercharge your business and empower your business operations, so you can focus on what you do best – excelling in your passions and profits. Since our launch, we have worked with thousands of happy companies in Singapore, Hong Kong, Australia and the UK. Sleek is an ACRA Registered Filing Agent, member of the Singapore Corporate Secretary Association and affiliated with the Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants.